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Salt and Pepper.gif

Salt & Pepper

Neon, plexiglass, wires, transformers, flasher
12 x 12 x 3 in each (30 x 30 x 7.5 cm)



Salt and Pepper looks at human emotions thru the lens of emoticons. Emoticons are combinations of punctuation marks and alphanumerics that, put in a certain order, create pictograms of human faces, mimicking offline facial expressions. Thru their extremely simplistic form, they are able to transcend language and cultures, becoming a universal way to represent deep human feelings.


In Salt and Pepper, the artist plays with the combination of the two punctuation marks “:” and “(“ that, depending on the order they are placed in, express either happiness or sadness. A simple permutation of two punctuation marks brings the viewer from one extrem to the other of the emotional spectrum. The neon balances monotonously between happiness and sadness, a reminder of how  delicate and ephemeral human emotions are.



2015    “Come to bed!” curated by Roya Sachs  /  BOSI Contemporary  /  New York, USA 

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