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Kosmatopoulos_esmeralda_no more 5.jpg

... no more...

Fluorescent light tubes, steel, bed, linen
Size variable



... no more… appropriates the most natural of all activities that occur in a bed, sleeping, in a metaphor that explores the tension that new technologies and virtual modes of communication have brought in the exercise of our human nature. 


Neither learnt thru experience nor practiced consciously, the act of sleeping is an inherent physiological need require for survival, a time of physical and emotional recuperation. The bed is the locus of this intimate moment, the safe and private harbor where, sheltered from the sight of others, the sleeper can remove him/herself from any conscious living and social activity with complete confidence. 


New technologies have brought a new culture of hyper-connectivity and continuous overflow of information that come to challenge the intimacy of the bed and the act of sleep itself. Every night, the hashtags #breakingnight, #notsleepingatall and #vamping come to haunt social media feeds. How can we isolate ourselves from the world when a myriad new ways to socialize directly from our phone bring the public space directly inside the privacy of the bed? How can we allow ourselves to sleep without becoming irrelevant to those who are awake? How can we balance our basic biological need and our Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) ?


... no more...  invites the audience to lay on an austere prison-like bed covered by an oversized chandelier made of 35 dazzling fluorescent tubes. When looking up, the blinding lights form the word #SLEEP. A hashtag has come to predispose the five letters of the word SLEEP, challenging the authority of this basic human need. Placed above the bed, #SLEEP becomes a quasi-divine order, but an order that can no longer be achieved.



2015    “Come to bed!” curated by Roya Sachs  /  BOSI Contemporary  /  New York, USA 

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