“Tell me, Muse of the man of twists and turns whose excessive ambition led him to defy Nature’s higher powers and brought him to its ruin. His name was Ikarus.
Driven by an obsessive desire to surpass the limitations of human condition, Ikarus was dreaming of taking control of the skies, kingdom of the god Horus. So, he started cutting all the trees he could find around him in order to build the wings that will allow him to reach the divine realm. Horus was watching in silence the oblivious man as he was destroying the environment he was living in and his heart was filled with sadness and anger.
To put an end to this destructive human enterprise, the falcon-headed god went down to Earth and stole the man-made wings. Ikarus, blinded by his ego, chose to disregard the divine warning and, the wings being stolen, he went to the nearby forest to cut all the trees that were left and build a ladder tall-enough to reach the skies.
That was enough of the god’s patience. No longer ready to forgive the reckless human, he threw a powerful ray of sun on the ladder Ikarus was climbing, and broke the stair he was on. Ikarus abruptly fell into the sea where he met his end.
Birds have been creatures of the mythic imagination since the very earliest times. Subtitle balance between the divine and mortal realms, men used to honor them but at the same time, could not prevent themselves from trying to emulate them in the hope that one day, they too, would be able to reach the skies.
ik-HO-rus brings together two references from the artist multicultural cultural heritage: Horus - the falcon-headed Egyptian deity of the Sun - and Ikarus - the Greek mythological character who, wanting to imitate the birds, flew too close to the sun, resulting to his tragic fall into the sea. Kosmatopoulos uses both myths as a starting point to create her own narrative and engage, with humour and absurdity, a social commentary on human ambition and Nature's boundaries.
List of works
ik-HO-rus - Act I, 2023, Bronze, wood, soil
ik-HO-rus - Act II, 2023, Bronze, wood, steel
ik-HO-rus - Act III, 2023, Bronze, wood, vinyl